About us

The AUT Sports Performance Research Institute New Zealand (SPRINZ) is internationally known for producing high-impact research to improve human health, wellbeing, organisation capability, physical performance and long-term athletic development.

A major focus for SPRINZ is to build strong relationships between postgraduate research students and industry professionals looking to improve performance and potential through new knowledge generation and improved practice. SPRINZ staff and students work alongside those responsible for the design, development and delivery of sport performances at a local, national and international level.

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SPRINZ vision

World leading in sport and human performance applied research, education and industry engagement.

SPRINZ mission

Optimising sporting and human performance.

SPRINZ mantra

Ask. Answer. Share.


Physical location:

Level 2, AUT Millennium 
17 Antares Place 
Auckland 0632 
New Zealand

Postal address:

AUT Sports Performance Research Institute New Zealand (Mail code P-1)
Private Bag 92006
Auckland 1142
New Zealand



Seminar rooms for hire

You can hire our seminar rooms for meetings or conferences. We cater for different group sizes for up to 80 people.

Rooms for hire

Video: SPRINZ research

Check out the research happening across all SPRINZ research groups.

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