Insole testing (pain and comfort rating)

Insoles are commonly used to improve foot function, alleviate pain, and enhance comfort. Understanding their impact on lower limb biomechanics, foot pressure distribution, and self-reported pain and comfort is crucial for optimising their design and application.

insoles we use

The aim of the study

To assess how insoles affect self-reported pain and comfort.


You are invited to participate in this research study that includes one testing session of half an hour to walk 20 steps in four insoles and rate your pain and comfort. This process helps us understand how the insole affects your pain and comfort. We will collect some basic information about you (height, weight, age).

Each participant will receive a koha of $20 voucher for the session and get to keep a pair of insoles and the socks used in lab testing.

More details

Recruitment flyer

If you require more information

Please contact Project Research Officer Keeran Balachandran
Phone: 021 071 7997


  • Approving committee
    Health and Disability Ethics Committee September 2024; HDEC Reference number HDEC #2024 FULL 21021
  • Institutional approval
    Auckland University of Technology Ethics Committee September 2024; AUTEC Reference number AUTEC #24/255.

Promotional material


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Thank you to our participants in the study

We made the prize draw for the shoe vouchers and they have been sent to the winners.

Download phase 1 fact sheet

insoles we use

Research Team